In 2001, Phil Talmadge, a veteran attorney and former Washington State Supreme Court Justice, founded the Talmadge Law Group, a private firm based in Tukwila, Washington and focused on appellate law.

Five years later, Phil Talmadge was joined by his former colleague Thomas Fitzpatrick and they formed Talmadge/Fitzpatrick, with Talmadge focusing on appellate law, and Fitzpatrick concentrating on professional responsibility, municipal law, land use, and litigation.
Talmadge/Fitzpatrick welcomed attorneys Aaron Orheim and Gary Manca in 2018 and 2019 respectively. Both clerked at the Washington Supreme Court and brought years of additional civil and appellate experience to the firm.
We Offer Unparalleled Experience
Turn to specialists with expertise from many years of representing clients, serving in public office, professional activities, and teaching. Few appellate advocates in private practice can say they have seen hundreds of cases from both sides of the bench. Few professional responsibility practitioners have helped to write model rules for the ABA, or served on its standing committee on professional responsibility. We also have a breadth of experience in the law and legal practice. We understand the issues, their importance, and what they mean to you. We strive to excel as advocates, but also to provide wise counsel.
We Tailor Our Services to Fit Your Needs
Although we are highly qualified to handle cases from beginning to end, not all clients need such comprehensive services. We are pleased to offer consultation, amicus participation, expert witness and mediation services, and general advice on appellate and professional responsibility matters. We represent a breadth of clients, from individuals fighting for their civil rights to business organizations fighting against illegal government actions.
See our Practice Areas.

We proudly support the Washington State Bar Foundation.